The Challenge
The customer wanted to replace their very old, single-skinned steel tank with a new, higher capacity double-skinned bunded tank capable of receiving 1,000 litre deliveries, but there was a problem.
Standing on two brick pillars next to the side wall of the house, the existing tank was just narrow enough to allow vehicular access along the adjacent driveway, and this was the only viable location for a replacement tank.
However, the gap between the inner and outer layers of a double-skinned tank must be 50mm to comply with BS 799 standards, and this meant that the narrowest off-the-shelf tank of this capacity would render the drive inaccessible.
The Solution
Working with the client, we calculated that by allowing the maximum overhang beyond the pillars we could extend the tank length to two metres, yet maintain sufficient support for the tank, even when filled to capacity.
This would enable us to keep the overall tank dimensions to within the limited width and low enough for safe refilling, and still provide a total capacity of 1542 litres – sufficient for the customer to be able to receive a full 1000 litre delivery without having to run the existing supply down to almost empty.
The Result
Tanks-UK designed, manufactured and delivered the bespoke tank to the customer’s property, craning it into position on the existing pillars for the customer’s heating engineer to complete the installation.
With the greater fuel oil storage capacity of the new tank, the customer can now buy fuel oil at more competitive bulk rates while ensuring adequate supply is maintained. The double-skinned bunded tank provides enhanced protection against internal leaks and external damage, and the driveway is still as accessible.
The Customer Feedback
“Tanks-UK resolved all the complications we faced very professionally. We’re delighted that we can now get best rates on our domestic oil, and can still use our driveway.”
C.O., Yorkshire