
Not just your house or your car, but tanks need a bit of ‘TLC’ as well! Now is a good time to check your tanks and replace filters, etc., as needed.

We’ve provided some information below to guide you on what to check; and what you might need to replace, on existing tanks.

Water tanks

Rainwater harvest tanks should be visually inspected regularly to check:

Underground water tanks may need professional cleaning, and this is especially important where they are for drinking water. But even rainwater or ‘greywater’ recycling tanks will need cleaning periodically to prevent sludge or bacteria build up causing pipe blockages. This is a professional task, so you would need to employ a contractor who can sample and analyse the water first, to best advise what treatment or cleaning is needed.

Oil tanks

Domestic heating oil tanks need to be serviced by an OFTEC approved contractor, ideally annually along with the boiler service.

Commercial heating oil tanks will almost certainly be required to be inspected and serviced annually, with certification. A professional inspection will help to find and deal with water ingress and/or sludge build up as well, to save you money in the long term. Often this may be a requirement of the commercial premises insurance.

But there are checks you can do visually as well, and these should be more frequent, for instance 6-monthly.

Fuel tanks (i.e. diesel, HVO)

Dispensing tanks take a lot of strain, and they do need regular inspection and maintenance, even if they are inside a building or under cover.  Many of the checks are the same as those listed above, but in addition check:

Replacement parts and spares

Tanks-UK can supply you with the spares and replacements you may need for tank maintenance:

Give us a call on 01953 665940 or email info@tanks-uk.com with your requirements and we’ll send you a quote.

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