
In rural areas which come under the scope of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme from central Government, there are a number of grants available every year and rainwater harvesting comes into this for several reasons.

Environmentally it makes a lot of sense.

Financially it makes sense as well, with some of the costs met by grants, and a reduction in costs of water extraction or mains supply.

Under the Countryside Stewardship Scheme grants, you can get funding for underground or above ground tanks, and the rainwater diverters for collecting the water from building roofs.

This year’s funding applications are now open, so now’s the time to be looking at this option.

For domestic and commercial installations, rainwater can be used for toilet flushing. Anglian Water have a useful information booklet you can download explaining how to check and maintain a rainwater harvest system of this type. https://www.anglianwater.co.uk/siteassets/household/help-and-advice/rainwater-harvesting-led624.pdf

There may be other grant funding options available to domestic or business users – through local authorities or water supply companies. Check out what’s available in your local area.

When you want a quote for the tanks and associated pipework and pumps – come to Tanks-UK. We have a large range to choose from and can advise you on the best design for your buildings.

Just give us a call on 01953 665940 or email info@tanks-uk.com with your requirements and we’ll send you a quote.

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